Connectors and APIs

We are dedicated to leveraging cutting-edge technologies to optimize our processes, whether it’s translation or Integrated Logistics Support (ILS).

/ Our Process / Connectors and API


Using the same principles that have revolutionized our translation services, we are implementing connectors and APIs to streamline the ILS process, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced costs for our clients.

Our investment in advanced authoring, translation, and automation technologies has yielded significant benefits over the past decade, including a remarkable 40% reduction in expenditure. We are committed to passing on these savings, both in terms of time and money, to our valued customers.

Workflow Connectors and Custom APIs play a pivotal role in our projects, facilitating seamless integration between content management systems (CMS, ECM, DAM) and our Business Management Systems. This integration simplifies the exchange of content, making it faster and more efficient.

In particular, Translation Connectors prove invaluable in projects involving website localization and multilingual SEO. These connectors ensure secure and seamless communication between systems, regardless of the underlying technologies. By streamlining the translation process, they not only save time but also minimize the occurrence of costly errors that might necessitate reworks.

Our solutions offer extensive routing, status tracking, and reporting capabilities, providing real-time insights into project progress and remaining workload. With business-rules-based routing, we ensure that the right content reaches the right resource promptly, before seamlessly returning to its designated location within your CMS.

Our Process

Professional Quality Assurance

Safety & Security

Connectors and APIs

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For more information, or for a free quote on your next translation project, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

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